With Steve Forbes

With Kevin O’Leary

With Mike Koenigs

With Frank Kern

With Mike Koenigs & Paul Colligan

He is also the CEO and Founder of Jimmy Harding Consulting and the Creator of Game Changer Talks, a talk show dedicated to bringing you high-level strategies to take your business to the next level.
In 2013, Jimmy’s proprietary marketing programs helped his clients increase their profits by $20,000,000.00.
He is an expert in creating marketing strategies and systems that combine traditional advertising with direct response marketing and the most up-to-date and effective digital media and social technologies.
His consulting and marketing agency helps business owners develop, plan, and execute growth strategies to not only completely dominate their marketplace within twelve months, but also position themselves for long-term sustainable growth and market share.
Jimmy has made it his personal mission to share his knowledge and expertise with smart entrepreneurs and successful business owners striving for exponential growth in the millennium’s marketplace. He readily admits that he could not have accomplished his own achievements without the mentoring and guidance of brilliant men and women invested in his continued advancement and success. Jimmy’s narrative of growth and transformation have led industry leaders such as Tony Robbins, Mike Koenigs, Neil Strauss, and Joe Polish to ask him to share his story with their audiences. His inspirational stories of faith, old-fashioned nerve, and hard work have motivated millions to take charge of their own lives and businesses and get to the next level.
Jimmy is no stranger to hard work or hardship. A native of New Orleans, Louisiana, Jimmy’s business was decimated when Hurricane Katrina — the “100 year-storm” — blew through town and left a splintered city drowning in floodwater. Since then, he has rebuilt and reinvented himself and his own businesses many times over. Indeed, for Jimmy, catastrophe is just a good excuse to rebuild bigger and better.
Jimmy is co-author of Social eCommerce: Increasing Sales and Extending Brand Reach (by Stephan Spencer, Jimmy Harding and Jennifer Sheahan (Jul 25, 2014)) He is currently at work on two other books to better educate the public on business and marketing strategy and theory. Though well known as a business strategist and peak-performance coach, Jimmy is highly sought for his inimitable advising style. With an unmistakable New Orleans drawl, Jimmy regularly consults and brainstorms with many of the world’s leading companies – after all, his success driven tactics and his firm belief that “results are the best measure of success” are a magnet to serious entrepreneurs.
Tuning into Game Changer Talks, Jimmy’s podcast, can give you just a glimpse of the high-powered and aggressive nature of Jimmy’s success formulas. One of his strongest beliefs is that to be successful one must surround him or herself with a successful peer group. In these talks, Jimmy delves into the tactics, methods, and secrets of highly successful men and women. Also, be sure to check out JimmyTV for marketing and business growth strategies — where Jimmy shares some of his own strategies as well.