Check Out My Ultimate Bonus For Instant Customer Revolution Learn how to become a Highly Paid Marketing Consultant using the tools and training in Instant Customer Revolution. To get ICR…
Jimmy Harding, Author at Jimmy Harding | Business Growth Strategist | Marketing Expert - Page 5 of 5
Tony says when you feel frustrated or confused a breakthrough is near… Come join me today at Noon PDT and find out exactly what I do to breakthrough challenges I’ll…

This is a great blog post by Ryan Blair, CEO of ViSalus. Ryan talks about the importance of honoring your deals for long term success. Reed the blog post HERE

Most of my clients ask me the difference between blogging and social media and which one works best. My answer is always you should do both but business blogging is…

How true is this… Whether you are talking about your business or your personal life, how true are these rules? Is there something you are committed to changing? Are you ready…